
This season starts with mixed feelings.  My plan for starting all my plants from seed was kiboshed by a fungus gnat infestation, but it finally looks like the summer is on its way and I was able to save a few goodies.

Today, I went through the lot, groomed and purged.  I ended up repotting most of the habaneros, a handful of tomatos, the chives, sage, thyme, ground cherries, and a few grand amaranth plants.  

Some of my tomato seedlings starting drooping and it started stressing me out, so I picked through some forums and realized that I probably didn’t transplant them deep enough and I think I might be over watering them.  Ugh.  I ended up spendin…

Some of my tomato seedlings starting drooping and it started stressing me out, so I picked through some forums and realized that I probably didn’t transplant them deep enough and I think I might be over watering them.  Ugh.  I ended up spending this afternoon repotting 43 roma tomatoes, 69 rutgers tomatoes, and 29 red cherry tomatoes.  Three rutgers and one cherry bit the dust.  You can’t win ‘em all, I guess.


Saturday mornings seem to always involve dirt.  I’ve been staring at the edamame getting much too big for the seed tray and the overcrowded beefsteak tomatoes for the past few days and the guilt finally got to me.

Tip for repotting: Repot your seedlings after their second set of leaves have grown or the roots have outgrown the container.