
I was very overwhelmed with the plant situation and felt that Kory was going to pull a Patrick Bateman on me if I didn’t clear out the living room, so we packed up the rest of the tomatoes and peppers and brought them to my parents house. 

I filled up my two plot allotment and a decent section of my Dad’s raised bed.  The rest of the plants went to Heidi and Brett and to a couple of my parents friends. Gardening goal number one complete.  Awesome day.   

Kathy's garden update!

I met Kathy for brunch the other day to talk about new media and serious games (work stuff).  As usual, I found a way to integrate gardening into the conversation and it turns out that Kathy and I have very similar gardening interests.  So after brunch, I ran home, picked up some plants, and met up with her in the Canadian Tire parking lot to hand off the goods (I try to make gardening as hard core as I can).  Her plants were quickly in the ground and bundled in their kozy coats!

Thanks to Kathy for sending me this photo.  I hope to make it to her place later on this summer to check out the rest of her garden (and for a teary reunion with the tomato plants).


I have some first quarter conclusions supported by the images above.

1. Peppers are the easiest thing to grow.

2. Although starting your seeds in February seems like a good idea, it turns out to be a bit of a pain.  

3. Tomato plants are big and kind of stick to each other.  It’s weird.

4. It won’t be different this time…you need to harden your plants.

Plant delivery (almost) gone wrong.

Heidi and Brett with a trunk full of plants that almost didn’t make it.  

On the way to meeting up with the family for our Mother’s Day celebration/plant hand off, Kory and I almost got t-boned by a work truck trying to cross Corydon.  The plants were in the back seat and not belted in (which is really a Manitoba Public Insurance fail because the only thing I remember from those PSAs is that geeks belong in the back seat).  Most survived with minor injuries.

The cayenne peppers are flowering.  I am conflicted.  Should I pinch off the flowers and go for more leaves or power through to the edibles and hope for the best?  The weather is hit or miss and they’ll have to stay inside in their peat pots f…

The cayenne peppers are flowering.  I am conflicted.  Should I pinch off the flowers and go for more leaves or power through to the edibles and hope for the best?  The weather is hit or miss and they’ll have to stay inside in their peat pots for at least another couple weeks.  Let’s face it, I could never pinch off the flowers.  Kory thinks I’m emotionally attached to the plants.  I think he might be right.